Good news! The dough in the freezer trick worked- and I was able to pop out 20 or so of these bad boys for a small golf outing that Boyf and I played in today. Charley was a big help, as always, and licked my toes while I sat at the kitchen counter and hand painted each R'coon on to it's cookie. Whew. It did get easier at the end when I had a system down, but we were both beat by the time we finished.
I have a new enemy, however. Black Food Coloring. OMG. It gets everywhere! Very, very messy indeed. Think ink pen explosion times a zillion billion. Not exaggerating. At. All.
Back to Golf. I must say- this Golf Course, Raccoon International, is a very special place indeed. We have been playing there for the last few summers and love it. It's fun, not stuffy and a good time is had by all whenever we go.
With my Raccookies, I have included a photo of a scorecard with a very special game on it. It's from the day, "Par or Picture" was invented (while playing at Raccoon). The premise is easy. If you like your score, you write it on your card. If you don't, you have the option of drawing whatever you like in the small box. It's amazing what you can fit in there, and you always move on to the next hole smiling. :)
your dog is so funny :)
ReplyDeletethis picture, above all others, is exactly who he is...not too bright uptais, but way cute and sweet!