a big boy. I have often been told that he is "the biggest Weimaraner I have ever seen!" by many people at the park. Last September, our vet told me some bad news. She said that "Charley needed to lose some weight." Ouch. Sorry Dude. She offered to test his thyroid and even gave me a card for some prescription dog food, but I told her that we would tackle this matter on our own. She gave me a look that said, "I've heard this before-and I don't believe you."
Charley weighed in at 102lbs!! Yikes, that DID seem like a lot.
So, i made a few changes. First of which was his food. He and his sister, Dakota, were now officially on a diet. This is what they eat now.
The good news is that he is down to 85lbs!! I cannot wait to show him off at the vet!! He has an appt in two weeks!