OKAY dokay! The time has come for me to test out my suspicions on this wonderful ingredient known as, "Lemon Emulsion." For those of you who know me, or know my baking habits, know full well how I have been OB-sessed with LEMON ev-ah-ree-ting all spring long.
My favorite Blog got me started on Emulsions with these buggars!
Today, I made my Old Trusty Sugar Cooky Recipe with the following adjustments:
1.5 cups O'butter
2 cups of white sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
3 teaspoons (oh, who am I kidding, It was probably like 4-5) of Lemon Emulsion found here
5 cups of white flour
2 teaspoons of baking POW-dah
1 teaspoon of salt
In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients together, set aside
Beat the butter and sugar until smooth
add in the eggs, one at a time, alternating with the vanilla and lemon gunkmulsion
slowly add in the dry mixture until blended.
The bummer of it all....leaving in the fridge for at LEAST two hours!! Gah!
I have a good feeling that these ones will actually taste lemony- NOT like these did.
Bake at 400 degrees for 6 minutes a sheet.
HOLY CATS they taste AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
...did I mention that I need a new camera??!!?? I might as well have drawn the cookies on this post with a Crayon! What Camera should I set in my sights to get.....?
i have the canon xsi and love it but i think there is a newer one, the t1i i think? frank has the same one.