I know this is old, but it is WAY too good to pass up.
It all started with volunteering to host Thanksgiving for our friends. I have an extreme oppositon to any overcooked bird products. So does Boyf. Good god he hates dried out meat.
In my extreme nervousness over cooking my first very own big ole bird, I panicked and turned to the interwebz for answers. Boy, was that even more confusing.
Ev-ah-rey-one seems to have THE secret to cooking the most perfect turkey-lurkey: Cook it in a bag, brine it, don't you dare brine it, rub it all over with olive oil, sit on it, turn it upside down, fry it but don't burn down your house, burn down your house and let the bird cook in the ashes, wish upon a star, cook it at 250, cook it at 350, blah blah blah.
I went back to my roots and called a force WAY more powerful then the internet. My Mom.
She recommended the cooking temp, the cooking time and told me to use the meat thermometer she put in my stocking (last year), and add a few beers to the roasting pan. Yessssssssssssss.
REWIND; The sunday before Thanksgiving I was cooking some delicious bacon for breakfast. I thought enough to save the bacon fat for sumpin' special. Bacon???? Hmmmm......
The Result, the Ingredients and the Directions:
1 Big Turkey (room temperature)
roasting pan with rack in the bottom- rack is VERY important, don't ask why it's science
1 pound of bacon worth of reserved bacon fat from Sunday's breakfast
Numerous Bud Lite's
1 Apple
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh Garlic
1 Large Turkey Injection Needle (what??!!?)
Lawry's Season Salt
Do This:
melt bacon fat in saucepan with 2 beers- low/medium heat
inject bacon and beer heavenly mixture INTO entire turkey (use all of it, I promise)
peel apple and put into the cavity of the bird (I don't care for in-bird stuffing)
add fresh rosemary and fresh garlic to bird cavity
pour and entire beer INTO the Turkey cavity
pour remaining beers over turkey, drown that sucker! I think i used a total of 6-7 beers
coat the skin with olive oil or any remaining bacon fat (shame on you for having any left)
dust on some Lawry's salt
Cook at 325 until Turkey is 165 degrees.
It was the BEST turkey I have ever eaten. I'm not just saying that because I made it. The turkey meat was tender, juicy and just had a lovely hint of smokey, bacony goodness.
Charley of course was nailed to my hip. The photo included really best describes what he likes to call, "Helping."
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